Saturday, March 23, 2013

We disagreed, but I think it worked out anyway...

Do you have this too? Eric and I don't always feel the same about what to put up on the walls in our home. The result: many bare walls. When we remodeled the bathrooms last August, I knew that taking the things off the walls was going to present a problem-- getting them or something new put back on! 

Months after the completion of the bathrooms, there still was nothing up on the walls. (I even had a hard time putting the towel rack back on, although that did make it up very soon.) 
In my mind I had an idea of what I wanted for the downstairs water closet. After receiving a frame as a gift from a friend who thought the frame matched the mirror in that room I was inspired to make it happen. There was the rub-- Eric wanted something else on the wall and wasn't convinced of my idea. 

So I pressed on, not deterred by Eric's lack of excitement ;)

...measuring, cutting, taping...

 Of course, true to form we didn't put them up right away. Instead I put paper on the walls in the bathroom to "try" the frames up on the wall for a while and make sure I liked the configuration. No picture of this- sorry. It was kind of fun though, every once in a while I would re-arrange them and then let it set for a day or two again! 
 Here is what we finally decided on:
Its a small bathroom so I didn't want to overwhelm it with stuff on the wall.
A couple of close-up shots.

 And there you have it. And if you wonder, Eric did say that he was surprised by how this turned out and he even likes it, too!

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