Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What It Might Look Like to Bike from San Francisco to Long Beach


Oh how I love pictures! I hope you could "read the story" of the trip my boys made from San Fran back home. Beautiful scenery, holes in bike tires, great camping locations, biking along the ocean, crazy signs, humongous hills, wonderful friends, and great memories all along the way. I cannot tell their story for them. Many of you have heard it already, but few have gotten to see the pictures. If you want more details my guys are more than happy to re-live those 9 days of riding their bikes for 500 miles!


  1. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. Wow Jenn, the pictures are incredible and your family is even more incredible! Thank you so much for taking the pictures and sharing your talent too! I am so proud of you guys!
